Toolbar icons

Main window

MemoQ icon new project Toolbar icons New Project: Creates a new memoQ project using the New memoQ project wizard. Only one project can be open at a time. If there is an active project, memoQ automatically offers to close it.
MemoQ icon openproject Toolbar icons Open Project : Opens a memoQ project using the Open dialog. Only one project can be open at a time. If there is an active project,  memoQautomatically offers to close it.
MemoQ icon saveall Toolbar icons Save All : Saves all open documents so that no data gets lost. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+S.
MemoQ icon resource console Toolbar icons Resource console… : Displays the Resource console where you can manage all resources.
MemoQ icon update remote resources Toolbar icons Update remote resources : Updates local copies of remote resources, in case the resource was modified on the server.
MemoQ icon server administrator Toolbar icons Server Administrator : Displays the Server administrator dialog to manage and configure one or more memoQ servers.
MemoQ icon do not press Toolbar icons Do not press this button: Do not press this button.

Translation editor

MemoQ icon statistics1 Toolbar icons Statistics: Opens the Statistics dialog. You can perform statistical analysis with a selected scope and learn more about the time savings achieved with memoQ.
MemoQ icon pre translate Toolbar icons Pre-Translate… : Displays the Pre-translate dialog with the pre-translation scope set to the whole project.
MemoQ icon clear translations Toolbar icons Clear Translations… : Clears some or all translations in the project, the open documents or the active document. Displays the Clear translation dialog. Use with caution.
MemoQ icon find Toolbar icons Find… : Find text in the entire project, the open documents, the active project, the active alignment grid, or in the active translation memory editor tab. Displays the Find and replace dialog. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+F.
MemoQ icon export active document Toolbar icons Export Active Document: Exports the active document (the one that is currently open in the translation grid) into the original file format. memoQ will use the export path stored  with the project. If the document is not ready for export, an information dialog will appear.
MemoQ refresh toolbar button Toolbar icons Refresh: Updates documents and resources in the active online project.
MemoQ deliver toolbar button Toolbar icons Deliver:  Indicates to the project manager that you have finished working and she can export the translation.
MemoQ icon concordance Toolbar icons Concordance… : Displays the Concordance dialog to find all translation memory entries that contain the expression you are looking for. This command is available when the cursor is in the source segment and some text is selected. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+K.
MemoQ icon look up term Toolbar icons Look Up Term : Displays the Look up term dialog to find all term base entries which contain the expression you are looking for. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+P.
MemoQ icon add term Toolbar icons Add Term : Adds a new variant to the highlighted entry to the primary term base of the active project. Displays the Add new term pair dialog. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+E.
MemoQ icon add nontranslatable Toolbar icons Add non-translatable : Displays the Edit non-translatable list dialog to add items to the default non-translatable list in the active project.
MemoQ icon cut Toolbar icons Cut : Cuts the selected text out from the target cell, and copies it to the clipboard. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+X or Shift+Del.
MemoQ icon copy Toolbar icons Copy : Copies the selected text to the clipboard. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Ins.
MemoQ icon paste Toolbar icons Paste : Inserts the text from the clipboard at the cursor position or replaces the selection with the contents of the clipboard. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+V or Shift+Ins.
MemoQ icon toggle case Toolbar icons Toggle Case : Toggles the selected text between uppercase initials, all uppercase, and all lowercase mode in the target segment.  To use this command, first position the cursor in a target cell, and select some text. Default shortcut key: Shift+F3.
MemoQ icon undo Toolbar icons Undo: Restores your document(s) to the state before the last operation. You can undo multiple operations. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+Z.
MemoQ icon redo Toolbar icons Redo : Repeats the last operation you undid using the Undo command. You can redo multiple undo operations. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+Y.
MemoQ icon bold Toolbar icons Bold : Formats the selected text in bold characters, or – if it is already bold – removes the bold formatting. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+B.
MemoQ icon italics Toolbar icons Italic : Formats the selected the text in italics, or – if it is already in italics – removes the italic formatting. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+I.
MemoQ icon underline Toolbar icons Underline : Underlines the selected the text, or – if it is already underlined – removes underline. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+U.
MemoQ icon insert tag Toolbar icons Insert Next Format Tag: Insert the next uninterpreted formatting tag into the target segment at the current cursor position. Formatting tags start with {1} in every segment. Default shortcut key: F8.
MemoQ icon insert all tags Toolbar icons Insert All Format Tags : Inserts all remaining formatting tags (tags that are present in the source segment and not inserted in the target segment) into the target segment at the current cursor position. Default shortcut key: Alt+F8.
MemoQ icon insert inline tag Toolbar icons Insert New Inline Tag : Inserts a new inline tag into the target cell.
MemoQ icon copy inline tag sequence Toolbar icons Copy Next Tag Sequence : Copies the next sequence of inline tags into the target cell. Default shortcut key: F9.
MemoQ icon edit inline tag Toolbar icons Edit Inline Tag : Lets you edit the highlighted inline tag. Shortcut key: Ctrl+F9.
MemoQ icon show etc inline tags Toolbar icons Show short/medium/filtered/long inline tags: Lets you select the way inline tags should be displayed in the translation grid.
MemoQ icon insert symbol Toolbar icons Insert Special Character: Lets you select from a short list of special characters (various types of dashes, special punctuation marks, etc.).
MemoQ icon show nonprinting Toolbar icons Show non-printing characters: Displays characters  that do not appear in print even when they are visible on the screen (right-pointing arrows representing tabs, dots represent spaces, backward-facing “P”  representing line breaks).
MemoQ icon split segments Toolbar icons Split Segment : Splits one source segment into two segments at cursor position. The target text will remain in the first segment, while the newly created segment will be empty. To use this command, first position the cursor in the source cell to the point where you want to split the text. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+T.
MemoQ icon join segments Toolbar icons Join Segments : Joins two or more segments into one. If you do not explicitly select the segments to be joined, the current and the next segment will be joined. If there is text in the target cells, they are also joined. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+J.
MemoQ icon edit source text Toolbar icons Edit Source : Under normal circumstances, you are not allowed to modify source segments. This command lets you edit the source segment. This may be useful when you need to correct a typo or mistake in the source segment that is not likely to repeat, in order to have the correct source segment stored in the translation memory. To use this command, first position the cursor in the source text. Default shortcut key: F2.
MemoQ icon copy source Toolbar icons Copy Source To Target Where Empty…: Copies the contents of source segments to the target segments where the target segment is empty within the project, the open documents, or the active document. Use this command to get a preview of the exported document anytime.
MemoQ icon confirmed Toolbar icons Confirm: Stores the source segment and the target segment in the primary translation memory used in the active project, and sets the confirmation status to Confirmed. As this is the most usual operation, it is advised to always use the shortcut key instead. You cannot use this command if your project uses no translation memory. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+Enter.
MemoQ icon lock Toolbar icons Lock Segments: Displays a submenu with commands to lock and unlock segments.

Translation memory editor

MemoQ icon tmedit new Toolbar icons New : Adds a new entry to the translation memory.
MemoQ icon tmedit delete Toolbar icons Delete : Deletes an entry from the translation memory.
MemoQ icon tmedit import Toolbar icons Import : Imports the contents of a TMX file into the translation memory.
MemoQ icon tmedit export Toolbar icons Export : Exports the contents of the translation memory into a TMX file.
MemoQ icon tmedit properties Toolbar icons Properties… : Displays the properties of the selected translation memory entry, and lets you modify them.
MemoQ icon tmedit commit Toolbar icons Commit : Commits (saves) your changes into the translation memory.


MemoQ icon synchro link Toolbar icons Create Synchro Link : Links two segments, and aligns them in the same grid row. Synchro links are indicated by blue lines. Shortcut key: Ctrl+L.
MemoQ icon cross link Toolbar icons Create Cross Link: Links two segments leaving them in different grid rows. Cross links are indicated by dashed blue lines. Shortcut key: Ctrl+O.
MemoQ icon mark insertionb Toolbar icons Mark As Insertion: Marks a segment as an insertion, that is,.tells memoQ’s alignment algorithm to stop looking for a corresponding pair for the marked segment. The insertion mark is not visible. Shortcut key: Ctrl+I.
MemoQ icon remove link Toolbar icons Remove Link or Insertion : Remove a link between two segments. Also removes insertion marks. Shortcut key: Ctrl+R.
MemoQ icon remove all auto links Toolbar icons Remove All Auto Links : Removes all segment links automatically created by memoQ’s alignment algorithm. Auto links are indicated by green lines.
MemoQ align confirm all auto icon Toolbar icons Confirm All Auto Links: Confirms all segment links automatically created by memoQ’s alignment algorithm. Confirmed auto links become synchro links and are indicated by blue lines. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Shift+C.
MemoQ icon run aligner Toolbar icons Run Aligner : Runs the alignment algorithm again on the document pair. Respects manual links (synchro links and cross links) and insertion marks – that is, leaves them intact. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Shift+R.
MemoQ align export to primary tm icon Toolbar icons Export To TM : Exports the alignment results – the synchro links and cross links confirmed by a user – to the primary translation memory of the active project.

Term base editor

MemoQ icon tbedit new Toolbar icons New : Adds a new entry to the term base. You can edit the contents of the entry in the form at the bottom. Shortcut key: Ctrl+N.
MemoQ icon tbedit delete Toolbar icons Delete : Deletes the selected entries from the term base.
MemoQ icon tbedit approve Toolbar icons Approve Current Entry : If you are editing a moderated term base, sets the status of the current entry to “approved”. This means that the entry will become visible to all users rather than to terminologists and project managers only.
MemoQ icon tbedit entryhistory Toolbar icons Show Entry History : If you are editing a moderated term base, displays the change history for the current entry in a separate pane. This makes it easier to decide whether or not to approve the entry.
MemoQ icon tbedit addterm Toolbar icons Add Term : Add a new variant to the selected entry. Shortcut key: Ctrl+A.
MemoQ icon tbedit import Toolbar icons Import : Imports the contents of a CSV file into the term base.
MemoQ icon tbedit export Toolbar icons Export : Exports the contents of the term base into a CSV (comma-separated values) file.
MemoQ icon tbedit properties Toolbar icons Properties… : Displays the properties of the term base, and lets you edit them.
MemoQ icon tbedit filter Toolbar icons Filter: Displays the Filtering and sorting dialog in which you can specify criteria for filtering and sorting the contents of the term base.
MemoQ icon tbedit tidyup Toolbar icons Tidy up View : Clears the selection and the entry form at the bottom. As a result, no term base entry will be selected.




Toolbar icons