Tools menu

MemoQ tools menu Tools menu

· Resource console…: Displays the Resource console where you can manage all resources.
· Update remote resources: Updates local copies of remote resources, in case the resource was modified on the server.
· Corpus indexing: Displays the Corpus indexing dialog where you can view the status of the indexing process of active LiveDocs corpora, and you can also pause or resume indexing.
· Background tasks…: Displays the Background tasks window, indicating how background operations are progressing (e.g., the download and update of remote resources). In the Background tasks window, you can stop any of the tasks and check system messages.
· Server Administrator: Displays the Server administrator dialog to manage and configure one or more memoQ servers.

Important: To run the Server administrator, you need memoQ 4, project management edition.

· Manage logins: Displays the Manage logins dialog.
· Options: Displays the Options dialog.

Tools menu