Log in to server

In the Login to a server dialog, you can add a new remote memoQ Server to the list of the ELM (mobile licensing) servers you are using. You must have a valid user name and password on the server to gain access. You must use this dialog to register a new server before you can claim ELM licenses from that server. However, once you have registered the server, you do not need to type in your name and password again, as long as the server is accessible.

MemoQ login to a server dialog Log in to server


From the Help menu, choose Activation. The memoQ Activation dialog appears. Click the ELM credentials tab, then click Add new ELM server.

Login Information

In the Login to a server dialog, you need to fill in the following fields:

· Server URL: Enter the URL (the name or the IP address) of the remote server you want to access. You do not have to guess the URL – it should be provided by the administrator of the remote server or your project manager. If you received the URL in an e-mail message, you can copy and paste it into this field.
· User name: Enter your valid user name on the remote server. You do not choose this name and it can be different on each server. It is also usually different from your real-life name. If you did not receive the proper user name from the server administrator or your project manager, ask for this information before filling in this field.
· Password: Type in your password for the remote server. Similarly to your user name, you do not choose the password yourself either. If you did not receive the proper password from the server administrator or your project manager, ask for this information before filling in this field.


1. Fill in the Server URL, User name, and Password fields. Then click the Check login button to verify the details you specified.
2. When you click the Check login button, a message box will appear, asking you for patience. If everything is OK, you will see a a message stating SUCCESS. Click OK to return to the Login to a server dialog. In this dialog, the OK button will now become enabled, meaning that you can finish registering the server.

However, if there is a problem accessing the server or logging in using your user name and password, a message stating FAILED will appear. If you click OK now, you will be taken back to the Login to a server dialog, but the OK button in this dialog will remain greyed out. If this is the case, report the problem as soon as possible to the server administrator or your project manager.

Note: If there is a problem accessing the remote server – or the network connection is broken or simply slow – you may have to wait a long time (maybe several minutes) before you get an answer. This is memoQ’s normal behavior and by no means any sign of a program error.


If the login to the given server using your user name and password succeeded, the OK button will become enabled. To finish registering the server or modifying the login details, click OK. This will close the Login to a server dialog and take you back to the memoQ activation dialog. To close the Login to a server dialog without registering the new server or modifying the login details, click Cancel.

Log in to server