Edit a translation memory – filtering and sorting

The translation memory edit view allows you to edit the contents of a translation memory manually. Translation memories, however, often contain a multitude of entries, and may be hard to navigate. The Filtering and sorting dialog allows you to filter or sort the entries in the translation memory so that you can work with it easily.

If you do not want to specify any filtering or sorting options, just leave the fields empty and click OK to proceed to the translation memory editor with the default options, i.e. without filtering and sorting.

MemoQ edit tm filtering sorting Filtering and sorting (dialog; translation memory editor)


Select the translation memory you want to edit in the Translation memories pane of Project home, or in the Translation memories tab of the Resource console, or in the Translation memories dialog of the New memoQ project wizard. Then click the Edit link below the list.

You can also invoke the Filtering and sorting dialog from the translation memory editor by clicking Filter/sort above the list of translation memory entries.


Fields in the left pane – the filtering options – enable you to define a subset of all entries in the translation memory to see. By using the filters, you will not see entries irrelevant to you. Fields in the right pane – the sorting options – enable you to set the order in which the entries are displayed. This will help you in navigation.

When you are editing a local translation memory, you can filter the translation units by the custom meta-information fields, too.

You always specify filtering and sorting parameters for individual translation memories. In memoQ, you cannot edit multiple translation memories in a single dialog. If you want to edit multiple memories, unify them by exporting each into TMX and importing them back into a new translation memory.

Note: If this is the first time you are editing a translation memory, before proceeding, please make sure that you are familiar with the concept of a translation memory and the translation memory editor.

· Clear: Click this link if you want to clear all filtering and sorting options in the dialog. If you click OK after this, you enter the translation memory editor without filtering or sorting, or – if you started filtering from the translation memory editor – clear all filtering and sorting from the editor. This also clears any filter conditions for custom fields.

Filtering options

Filter – Entry contents area:

Specify words to look for. If you filter for entry content, you will only see those entries that contain the words you specified – either in the source language or in the target language.

· Source words: Use this field to enter the words you are looking for on the source side.
· Target words: Use this field to enter the words you are looking for on the target side.

Note: memoQ lists those entries in which any of the words you entered appear. In formal logic, this is called an OR relationship. If you want to look for a series of words, use the Concordance dialog instead.

Filter – Modification date area:

Filter for entries that were modified after a given date and/or before a given date. Thus, if you know the time when a job was done, you can even filter out translation memory entries added during that job.

· After: Select this check box to look for entries modified after the date specified by using the calendar.
· Before: Select this check box to look for entries modified after the date specified by using the calendar.

Note: If you enable both check boxes, you will only see entries modified in the specified range of time.

Filter – Meta-info area:

Filter for entries where the meta-information fields correspond to the meta-information specified here.

· Project: Use this field to filter for a project.
· Domain: Use this field to filter for a domain.
· Author: Use this field to filter for an author.
· Client: Use this field to filter for a client.
· Subject: Use this field to filter for a subject.

If you enter a value in any of these fields, you will see only those entries where the meta-information matches the values.

You can also set up filtering for custom fields. To do this, click Custom fields… next to the Author text box. memoQ displays the Filter properties dialog where you can set up conditions for the entries you want to see in the translation memory editor.

Note: This filter is an inclusive strict filter. This means that memoQ displays those translation units that match the values you entered for built-in, system, and custom fields. This is different from the strict and soft filters memoQ uses for TM lookups – for more information, see the page on the Edit TM settings dialog.

Important: You can filter for custom fields in local translation memories only.

Note: If you specified criteria that are not met by any of the translation memory entries, an empty translation memory editor will be displayed. In the translation memory editor, click the Filter/sort button to specify other filtering options or reset filtering to see all entries in the translation memory.

Sorting Options

Sort by area:

Specify the data field to sort by.

· Internal: Select this radio button to sort contents of the translation memory by the order the program stored them. If you created the translation memory using memoQ, this is the order of the confirmation of segments in the Translation document window. If you imported the segments from a TMX file, please consult the documentation of the product in which the segments were created for further details.
· Source text: Select this radio button to sort contents of the translation memory by the source language entries, alphabetically.
· Target text: Select this radio button to sort contents of the translation memory by the target language entries, alphabetically.
· Modification date: Select this radio button to sort contents of the translation memory by the modification date of entries.

Sort order area:

· Ascending: Select this radio button to show contents in increasing order (i.e. A–Z; oldest–newest).
· Descending: Select this radio button to show contents in decreasing order (i.e. Z–A; newest–oldest).


After specifying the filtering and sorting options, click OK to enforce them in the translation memory editor. Click Cancel to return to the translation memory list, or – if you started filtering from the translation memory editor – to the editor itself without making any changes.

Filtering and sorting (dialog; translation memory editor)