Editing a translation memory

The Translation memory editor enables you to edit your translation memory directly. You can also edit a translation memory entry directly in the View or edit TM entry dialog invoked from the Translation results pane of the translation document view. You can also edit remote translation memories if you have sufficient privileges, however, one translation memory may only be edited by one person at a time. Due to a significant data traffic, editing remote translation memories may be slow especially when the server has a slow outbound connection.

MemoQ tm editor Editing a translation memory


Select the translation memory you want to edit in the Translation memories pane of Project home, or in the Translation memories tab of the Resource console, or in the Translation memories dialog of the New memoQ project wizard. Then click the Edit link below the list.

Note: Before memoQ displays the translation memory editor, you need to set the filtering criteria in the Filtering and sorting dialog.

Important: The translation memory editor appears as a separate tab in the memoQ window, at the same level with document grids, alignment grids, or the Communication tab.

Important: While you are editing a translation memory, you cannot add segments to the same translation memory from a translation grid. If the translation memory being edited is also the primary translation memory in your project, you need to close the translation memory editor before you can commit a segment during translation.


The main part of the translation memory editor consists of a grid listing the source and target language entries in the translation memory, an area for displaying and editing meta-information on the translation memory entry selected, and a series of buttons.

Editing Interface

memoQ shows the source-language segments on the left, and the target-language segments on the right. You can edit the segments as if you were in the translation editor. Make changes to the source-language or the target-language cells, and click the Commit button to save them to the translation memory. You can commit multiple changes: this means you do not have to click Commit after editing each entry, but you need to click Commit before closing the translation memory editor.

You can also navigate the grid by using the scroll bar, and you can select entries using the mouse or the arrow keys.


As you navigate, you will see that the meta-information displayed on the right side is changing. memoQ always shows the meta-information for the currently selected entry.

The following individual meta-information is available for translation memory entries:

· Subject: This field indicates the subject of the translation memory. You can edit this field.
· Domain: This field indicates the domain of the translation memory. You can edit this field.
· Project ID: This field indicates the project identifier of the translation memory. You can edit this field.
· Client ID: This field indicates the client the translation memory was created for. You can edit this field.
· Modified by: This field indicates the user name of the person who created or last modified the entry. If the entry was modified, the check box labeled Corrected is checked.
· Modified at: This field indicates the timestamp of the creation or most recent modification of the entry. If the entry was modified, the check box labeled Corrected is checked.
· ID: This field is the unique identifier of the entry in the translation memory. You cannot edit this field.
· Corrected: This check box is checked if the entry was manually post-edited.
· Aligned: This check box is checked if the entry was created by means of alignment.

Editing custom fields

When you are editing a local translation memory, you can also edit the values of custom fields for each translation unit. Below the built-in meta-information fields, you can set values for the custom fields that are available in the definition of the translation memory. When you click Commit, the values you specified are saved in the current translation unit.

· To add a value: Choose a custom field from the Field drop-down list. This list displays all custom fields that are used in the definition of the translation memory. Then, type or choose the value in the Value box. For picklist fields, memoQ displays the list of values. After you choose the field and specify the default value, click Add.
· To remove a value: Select a custom field in the Custom fields list, and click Remove.

Note: Be careful when changing the values of custom fields, because the strict and soft filters in TM settings profiles are based on these values. Careless editing of custom field values might result in losing translation memory matches during translation.


Use the buttons to perform actions on the entries or on the translation memory:

· New: Click this button to manually add a new entry to the translation memory.
· Delete: Click this button to delete an entry from the translation memory.
· Commit: Click this button to insert the changes into the translation memory. For security reasons, the changes you make do not get into the translation memory until you click this button to enforce their application.
· Export: Click this button to export the translation memory into TMX format. This function is identical to Export to TMX command in the Translation memories pane of Project home or the Resource console, in the Translation memories dialog of the New memoQ project wizard, with the exception that from the editor you can also export a subset of the translation memory filtered in the Filtering and sorting parameters dialog.
· Import: Click this button to import the translation memory from TMX format. This function is identical to Import from CSV/TMX command in the Translation memories pane of Project home or the Resource console, in the Translation memories dialog of the New memoQ project wizard.
· Properties: Click this button to set the properties of the translation memory. This function is identical to the Properties command in the Translation memories pane of Project home or the Resource console, in the Translation memories dialog of the New memoQ project wizard.
· Filter/sort: Click this button to invoke the Filtering and sorting dialog in which you can specify criteria for filtering and sorting the contents of the translation memory.

You can also use the same buttons from the toolbar of translation memory editor .


Click the MemoQ close icon Editing a translation memory on the translation memory editor tab, or press Ctrl+F4 to stop editing the translation memory. Click any other tab or press Ctrl+Tab to switch to a translation grid or Project home. Before closing the translation memory editor, do not forget to click Commit to save your changes.

Editing a translation memory