Editing ignore lists

The Edit ignore list dialog allows you to make changes to the selected ignore list. You can also edit remote ignore lists if you have sufficient privileges, however, one list may only be edited by one person at a time.

MemoQ edit ignore%20list Edit ignore lists


You can invoke the Edit ignore list dialog from the Ignore lists category of the Settings pane in Project home or the Ignore list pane of the Resource console, by selecting the set you wish to edit, and clicking the Edit command.


memoQ performs spell checking on a word-by-word basis. Words, for spelling, are defined as a sequence of non-whitespace characters, surrounded by whitespace or segment boundart. Before asking the spell check engine, memoQ first looks up the word in the ignore lists. If the word is found in any of these, it is considered to be OK, and the speller itself is not invoked.

· Ignore list name: The name of the selected ignore list is displayed automatically
· Language: The language of the selected ignore list is displayed automatically
· Word: Type the word you want to be ignored during spell checking into this field.
· Add: Click this button to add the word to the selected ignore list.
· Change: Click this button to replace the selected item with the one you have just typed in.
· Delete: click this button to remove the selected item from the ignore list you are editing.


Click OK to save your changes to the filter configuration. Click Cancel to leave the dialog without saving the changes.


Edit ignore lists