Customize appearance

The Customize appearance dialog allows you to change the appearance of the Translation grid and the Translation results pane.

MemoQ costumize appearance Customize appearance


Right-click any segment in the Translation grid, or the empty space in the Translation results pane, then choose Customize appearance from the pop-up menu. The dialog has two tabs: Translation grid and Lookup results.

The Translation grid tab

The following parameters determine the appearance of that part of memoQ you will be using most frequenly when working with the program. Use them to make that part as user-friendly and comfortable for you as possible (e.g. increase the font size if the text is hard to read on your screen).

Editor fonts area:

· Font family and size: Use this drop-down list to select a font family and font size to be used for the text displayed in the document translation and alignment screen.
· Chinese font family: Use this drop-down list to select a Chinese font family to be used for the text displayed in the document translation and alignment screen.
· Japanese font family: Use this drop-down list to select a Japanese font family to be used for the text displayed in the document translation and alignment screen
· Korean font family: Use this drop-down list to select a Korean font family to be used for the text displayed in the document translation and alignment screen
· CCJK font size: Use this drop-down list to select the font size used for Chinese (traditional), Chinese (simplified), Japanese and Korean text displayed in the document translation and alignment screen.
· Show non-printing characters: If checked, memoQ shows non-printing characters such as spaces, tabs, or newlines in the translation grid. Unchecked by default.

Note: By default, Font family is set to Tahoma, Font size is 10, Chinese font family is set to SimSun, Japanese font family is set to Arial Unicode MS, Korean font family is set to Batang, CCJK font size is 11.

Editor colors area:

· Text color: Click this color box to select the color used for the text displayed in the translation grid and the alignment grid.
· memoQ {tag} color: Click this color box to select the color used for the legacy memoQ formatting {tags} in the translation grid and the alignment grid.
· Inline tag color: Click this color box to select the background color for the inline tags displayed in the translation grid and the alignment grid.
· Inline tag text color: Click this color box to select the text color for the inline tags displayed in the translation grid and the alignment grid.
· Special tag color: Click this color box to select the color used for special tags displayed in the translation grid and the alignment grid.

Status colors area:

· Not started: Click this color box to select the color indicating segments with the Not started status.
· Edited: Click this color box to select the color indicating segments with the Edited status.
· Pre-translated: Click this color box to select the color indicating segments with the Pre-translated status.
· Fragments: Click this color box to select the color indicating segments with the Fragment-assembled status.
· Confirmed: Click this color box to select the color indicating segments with the Confirmed status.

Lookup results tab

This tab controls the fonts and colors for the Translation results pane.

MemoQ costumize appearance 2 Customize appearance

· Font size and CCJK drop-down lists: Select a font size for the characters displayed in the Translation results list.
· Color boxes: Select the color codes for each match type. You need to set one color for the number of the hit, and another for the background where the text of the match appears.

In the Compare control area, you can set a font size and a CCJK font size for text appearing in the compare boxes below the list of lookup results.

You can also choose a markup and a color for each difference type (insertions, changes, deletions).


Click OK to close the Options dialog, saving all changes, or click Apply to save changes while keeping the dialog open. Clicking Cancel will close the dialog without saving changes.



Customize appearance