Work in an online project with desktop documents

Your client can set up an online project where you participate either as a translator or a proofreader. This topic describes how to start, perform, and deliver your work in an online project.

This topic also describes how you can go offline and still continue working on your client’s online project.

Starting the work: Checking out the online project

To access an online project, you need memoQ 4.5 or higher in the translator pro or the project manager edition. You also need a network connection and a user account on a memoQ Server.

When your project manager assigns you a task in an online project, you will receive the following details:

· The address (URL) of the memoQ server hosting the project
· Your user name and password
· The name of the online project

To start working with an online project, follow the steps below:

1. From the Project menu, choose Check out online project… The Check out online project dialog opens.
2. In the Server URL box, type or paste the server address you received from the project manager, then click Select.
3. If you have not connected to the server before, memoQ displays the Enter user name and password dialog, prompting you for the user name and password. Type or paste the user name and password received from the project manager, then click OK. memoQ connects to the server, and lists the online projects where you are assigned a task.

Note: If the project manager granted you a memoQ license along when setting up the project, and your copy of memoQ does not run in the appropriate edition for the task, the memoQ activation wizard will start automatically, and you will be able to retrieve your license from the memoQ server. For more details, see the memoQ installation and activation guide in the Kilgray Resource center.

4. On the project list, click the project name you received from the project manager, then click OK. memoQ will download the documents and the light resources, and it will also connect to the server-based LiveDocs corpora, translation memories, and term bases in the project.

Important: When checking out an online project, memoQ will create a local copy of the project – practically, a local project – on your computer, and then it will keep the local copy synchronized with the master copy on the server. Note that memoQ will download only those documents that were assigned to you in the project.

Tip: You can change the name of the local copy of the project: after selecting the online project in the list, modify the name in the Local project name text box at the bottom of the Check out online project dialog. This might be useful when you need to check out an online project multiple times.

Going offline completely

When you check out an online project with desktop documents, you work on the local copy of the documents. You do not need to be connected to the server to edit your translation, and you can also join and split segments.

However, memoQ still accesses the the translation memories and term bases over the network, so you need a network connection to get translation results and term base hits.

If the project manager granted you sufficient permission, you can create a local copy of the translation memories and the term bases, and work completely offline without a network connection. Here is how you can get an offline copy of the translation memories and term bases:

1. After checking out the project, navigate to the Translation memories pane of Project home. The list of translation memories appears. The translation memories that you use in the project appear at the top of the list, and their check box is ticked.

You need to get the local copies of remote translation memories. The remote translation memories are those that are marked with a cloud icon next to their name.

2. Right-click the name of a remote translation memory, and, from the popup menu, choose Synchronize offline. memoQ will ask you for confirmation.

memoQ downloads the contents of the translation memory to your computer. It creates a ‘shadow’ translation memory for the project. It has the same name as the remote translation memory, but appears a local resource. The table row representing the translation memory has a pink highlight. This is how memoQ indicates that this TM has a master copy on a server, and the two copies will be synchronized.

3. You need to use the ‘shadow’ translation memory in the project: tick the check box in the table row with the pink highlight. Untick the check box next to the remote translation memory. From this point on, memoQ will use the local copy of the translation memory – you don’t need a continuous network connection to work on this online project.
4. Repeat these steps for all other remote translation memories that are used in the project (if there are any).
5. Navigate to the Term bases pane of Project home, and repeat steps 2-5 for each term base.

Important: In version 4.5, you cannot create an offline copy of a LiveDocs corpus. If the online project refers to a server-based LiveDocs corpus, you need to be connected to the network in order to receive matches from the corpus.

Working on a document in an online project

To edit a translation document in the online project, simply navigate to the Translations pane of Project home, and double-click the name of the document. memoQ will open the document in the translation grid.

Because your online project works with desktop documents, the document you are editing is in fact stored on your computer. The changes you make are not saved automatically on the server: you need to synchronize your documents manually.

When you synchronize a document with the memoQ server, memoQ uploads your new translations to the server, and downloads the changes that others may have made to the same document. This way you can deliver part of your translation so that the reviewers can work with it, without actually delivering the whole document.

To synchronize one or more documents in the online project, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the Translations pane of Project home: click the Project home tab, then the Translations icon.
2. Select the documents you want to synchronize.
3. Below the document list, click the Synchronize document command. memoQ will upload the local changes to the server, and download any remote changes to your computer.

Tip: Alternatively, you can right-click the selected documents, and, from the popup menu, choose Synchronize document.

Note: Proofread segments take precedence over Confirmed segments. If you are a translator, the status of segments you confirm becomes Confirmed. If a user in the Reviewer 2 role confirms the same segment, its status will be Proofread. memoQ overwrites your changes if it finds Proofread segments in the documents it downloads.

Delivering the finished or reviewed translation

When you synchronize the translated document with the memoQ server, your translation is ‘delivered’ in a way: it is uploaded to the memoQ server, and it becomes available to your project manager and the reviewers.

You also need to indicate that you finished working with a document, and it can be forwarded to the next participant in the translation/reviewing workflow. To ‘officially’ deliver a document, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to the Translations pane in Project home: click the Project home tab, then the Translations icon.
2. Select the documents you want to deliver.
3. Below the document list, click the Deliver/return command. Alternatively, you can right-click the selected documents, and, from the popup menu, choose Deliver/return.

Work in an online project with desktop documents