How to…
Repair resources

You can repair ‘heavy’ resources such as translation memories and term bases, resources that have a complex database structure.

If memoQ reports errors relating to a certain translation memory or term base, you might need to repair that TM or TB. You might encounter such errors when memoQ opens a project where the damaged TM or TB is used, or when you try to add a new entry to the damaged TM or TB during translation.

Caution: Such errors can happen when power is cut while memoQ is writing into the TM or TB, or when there is a problem with your hard disk. It is always recommended to keep a backup of your TMs and TBs. The memoQ upgrade guides contain detailed instructions about making backups of the data you use with memoQ.

Repairing local resources

If the TM or TB is on your computer, follow these steps:

1. From the Tools menu, choose Resource console.
2. If the resource you want to repair is a TM, click the Translation memories icon on the left. If the resource you want to repair is a term base, click the Term bases icon. The list of TMs or TBs appears to the right of the icons.
3. Click the TM or TB you want to repair, then click Repair resource in the options below the list. Alternatively, you can right-click the name of the resource, and then choose Repair from the pop-up menu.
4. The Repair resource wizard appears. For TMs, it is the Translation memory repair wizard. For TBs, it is the Term base repair wizard. (Click the links to view the corresponding help topics.)

The repair wizard makes a copy of the selected resource, and builds up the database again. Entries that are corrupted beyond repair might be omitted.

Note: In some rare cases, the entire TM or TB might be damaged beyond repair. This usually indicates that your hard disk is about to fail.

Repairing remote resources

Normally, you repair TMs or TBs using the Resource console (see the previous section). However, memoQ cannot repair remote resources – TMs or TBs that are stored on a server that you access over the network.

To repair server-based resources, you need to be an administrator of that particular server. If you are not, and you need to repair a TM or TB, contact the administrator of the memoQ server.



Repair resources