How to…
Exchange data with STAR Transit

memoQ supports projects generated by STAR Transit™ XV and STAR Transit™ NXT. This enables you to process jobs in STAR Transit™ format. You receive STAR Transit™ projects either in *.pxf or *.ppf format. memoQ can import both as complete projects. Once imported, you can work on the documents contained in the project as if they were memoQ documents.

You can import a handoff project by choosing Import Transit Project in the Project menu. After you choose the PXF or PPF file, the Import Transit PXF/PPF package wizard appears. It is similar to the New memoQ Project Wizard.

By completing the three steps in the wizard, you do the following:

· provide basic information about the project;
· define various import and export options for the PXF file;
· add one or more translation memories and reference documents.


Using the Import Transit PXF package wizard

Step 1

MemoQ import transit project wiz 1 Exchange data with STAR Transit

The first page of the Import Transit PXF package wizard is the same as the Project information page of the New memoQ Project Wizard. memoQ automatically suggests a project name and fills out the languages. The Project, Client, Domain, Subject, are also inherited from the STAR Transit™ project, while the Created by and Created at fields and the Path are the default values used in the New memoQ project wizard as well. You can enter a description and change the data if  necessary before clicking Next to continue.

Step 2

MemoQ import transit project wiz 2 Exchange data with STAR Transit

The second page of the Import Transit PXF package wizard allows you to specify import and export options for the STAR Transit™ projects. Projects are different in STAR Transit™ and in memoQ. This page enables you to configure some mappings.

Import options area:

· Treat markup as XML: Enable this check box to try importing markup as XML markup. If you have this check box enabled, you have more freedom in editing inline tags. However, not all files contain valid XML markup. If the project cannot be imported with this option enabled, disable it.
· Import comments from source language files: STAR Transit™ can place comments both in source and target files as it treats these as separate files. By default, memoQ imports comments from the target. Check this check box to import also the source comments.

Import options – segment status area:

· checked is Proofread in memoQ: STAR Transit™ distinguishes between several segment statuses for finished segments, while memoQ only has Confirmed and Proofread. A Spell checked segment will be imported as Proofread.
· Checked 1 is Proofread in memoQ: STAR Transit™ distinguishes between several segment statuses for finished segments, while memoQ only has Confirmed and Proofread. A Checked 1 segment will be imported as Proofread.
· Checked 2 is Proofread in memoQ: STAR Transit™ distinguishes between several segment statuses for finished segments, while memoQ only has Confirmed and Proofread. A Checked 2 segment will be imported as Proofread.

Export options area:

· Export context matches as 100%: STAR Transit™ does not have a context match feature but can have any match value. Enable this check box to export 101% matches as 100% matches.
Disable it to export 101% matches as 101% matches. If you disable this check box, it will be possible to recognize that the package was translated in memoQ.
· Export proofread segments as: STAR Transit™ distinguishes between several segment statuses for finished segments, while memoQ only has Confirmed and Proofread. Select how you want memoQ to export Proofread segments.

Click Next to continue.

Step 3

MemoQ import transit project wiz 3 Exchange data with STAR Transit

STAR Transit™ does not work with translation memories. Instead, it uses reference documents. In reality, reference documents are translation memories built on the fly. Therefore, memoQ creates a translation memory from the reference documents contained in the project.

The third page of the Import Transit PXF package wizard is similar to the Translation memories page of the New memoQ Project Wizard. It is recommended to add at least one translation memory to the project. If your STAR Transit™ project contained reference documents, the contents of these documents can be imported into a translation memory.

Select a translation memory the same way as you would do in the New memoQ project wizard.

Click Finish to proceed to importing the STAR Transit™ project. Click Cancel to leave the dialog without importing the project.


Having finished the translation, simply click Export Transit project in the Project menu and send the created TXF or TPF file to your project manager.

memoQ builds a translation memory using the reference documents imported with the handoff project.  It cannot import term bases created in STAR Transit, but the translation memories and reference documents imported ensure that the project remains transparent for STAR Transit users.

Star Transit had an earlier version called Transit Satellite, which made it possible for translators to work on STAR Transit projects without buying a licence. This is discontinued in the new version. You can use memoQ to replace STAR Transit Satellite as well as several other translation tools such as the various editions of SDL Trados.

See also: Exchange formats – other tools

Exchange data with STAR Transit