Longest substring concordance (LSC)

Clients sometimes do not prepare separate terminologies but bury them in translation memories and leave it to the translators to extract them  if they wish. However, it is not always easy to establish what expression is a term in the sense that it should be translated consistently.  Concordance helps in this decision by displaying the words or expressions along with the contexts they are found in within the active translation memories. As it would take too much time to use this function for each segment, memoQ automates concordance lookups and displays longer or frequently appearing expressions  in the Translation results pane on orange background. This is what we call longest substring concordance or LSC. If a translator tries to insert the expression, the concordance window comes up automatically.

You can configure LSC on the Subsegment leverage tab of the Options dialog invoked from the Tools menu.

See also:

Longest substring concordance (LSC)