Fragment assembly

When you have a long source segment, and there is no hit from the translation memories, memoQ can look for smaller parts of this segment in the translation memories and term bases assigned to the project. If there are shorter segments stored in the translation memories or the term bases (along with their translations), memoQ can attempt to look for smaller parts (fragments) of your long source segment, and insert their translations into the target segment. This is done automatically: when you move to a segment, and memoQ searches the translation memories and term bases, the “patchwork” matches, or fragment matches, if there are any, will automatically appear on the hit list.

By default, the fragment matches appear on the hit list in purple color, always after the translation memory and term base matches. You can navigate to those hits just like any other TM or TB hit, then use Ctrl+Space to insert them. Alternatively, you can double-click the purple block of the hit on the list, or hold down Ctrl, and press the number (if there is one – the first 9 hits are numbered.).

Note: The Assemble from fragments command and the F4 key shortcut are no longer available because memoQ now automatically attempts to use smaller parts to put together a translation.


Suppose you have translated the following segments earlier:

MemoQ fragass example 1 Fragment assembly

… and you have the following entry in your term base:

MemoQ fragass example 2 Fragment assembly

Then, you need to translate the following segment in another document:

MemoQ fragass example 3 Fragment assembly

To fill in the translation for the above segment, simply place the the insertion point into the target segment. memoQ will automatically find the two smaller segments in the translation memory, and the term base entry for the term at the end of the segment. The assembled translation will automatically appear in the hit list:

MemoQ fragass example 4 Fragment assembly

To insert the suggested translation, press Ctrl+5 – or, use Ctrl and the arrow keys to navigate to the suggestion, then press Ctrl+Space.

To look for a certain part of a segment in the translation memories, select the text (or part of it), then use the Concordance command or press Ctrl+K.

To look for a piece of text in the term bases, select the text, then use the Look Up Term command or press Ctrl+P.

Pre-translation with fragment searching

You can also use fragment searching during pre-translation. When asking memoQ to pre-translate a project, document or the selected segments, memoQ will attempt to put translations together from fragments if there is no translation memory hit for a particular segment:

MemoQ fragass pretrans Fragment assembly

By default, memoQ will automatically perform fragment searching during pre-translation. To disable automatic fragment searching, clear the Perform fragment assembling check box in the Pre-translate dialog.

Fragment searching mechanism

When attempting to put together a translation from translations of fragments, memoQ will always look for the longest possible fragment from the beginning of the segment. When a fragment is found, memoQ will look for the longest possible fragment again from the point where the previous fragment ended. If it does not find a fragment from the beginning of the segment (or the point it is searching from), it will attempt to look for a fragment from the beginning of the next word. If the subsequent searches are also unsuccessful, memoQ will move from one word to the next until a fragment is found or the end of the segment is reached.

In fragment searching, memoQ searches the translation memories and the term bases in the project. When searching translation memories, memoQ uses exact translation memory matches only. It does not attempt to find approximate (fuzzy) matches for the fragments in the translation memories. When searching term bases, memoQ does not use prefix matching.

When putting together a translation from fragments, memoQ will always cover the entire source segment. When looking for fragments, memoQ always goes word by word. If a word is not covered by a fragment match – that is, memoQ had to skip a word and continue searching from the next one –, the gap will be filled in by inserting that word in the source language. See the example above: some English text still remains in the suggestion. This is because memoQ did not find TM or TB entries that would cover those words.

Fragment assembly