When you are working on a memoQ project, memoQ will always use the project-level meta-information items when creating a new translation memory or term base, or adding new entries to existing translation memories and term bases.
Let us assume you create a project with these meta-information items:
· | Subject: Language technology
If you create a new translation memory in the project using the Create and use new command in the Translation memories pane of the Project home tab, the new translation memory will “inherit” the above project settings. In other words, memoQ will automatically fill in the Subject, Domain, Client, and Project fields for the translation memory.
memoQ will also use the meta-information of the project to create any new translation memory or term base entries, regardless of the overall meta-information of the whole translation memory or term base. Suppose you add an existing translation memory to the project, where the translation memory has the following meta-information:
· | Client: High-Tech Translations
When you edit the translation, and confirm a new entry to the translation memory, the entry will have the following meta-information:
· | Subject: Language technology
memoQ will ignore the original meta-information in the translation memory, and add the entry with the project-level meta-information.
Important: When you are working outside a project – for example, you are creating and editing translation memories from the Resource console –, memoQ will not automatically fill in meta-information for new translation memories, and will use the meta-information in the translation memory when you add a new translation memory entry in the Translation memory editor.
Relation to project settings