Local and remote LiveDocs

Depending on their physical location, memoQ recognizes two types of LiveDocs:

· A local LiveDocs corpus is physically present on your computer. You can add it to your projects by clicking Register local or, if a local LiveDocs corpus is already registered, by clicking Use in project in the LiveDocs pane of the Project home or the Resource Console.
· A remote LiveDocs corpus is located in a remote computer and can be accessed through the Internet or the local network. When you check out an online project, the relevant LiveDocs are also included so you do not have to deal with them separately. However, online projects are available for you only when you are online, and this is also true for the LiveDocs involved. Team members can contribute to LiveDocs corpora by adding new documents or realigning or editing segments and the way these new entries are handled depends on the settings specified by the project manager. You can add remote LiveDocs to your project by clicking Register remote in the LiveDocs pane of Project home or the Resource Console.

Local and remote LiveDocs